
JNphi Online Advertising information


  • 2000+ members of JNphi
  • teachers and students of philosophy
  • general readers with an interest in philosophy

Requirements: Ads should be provided as a high-resolution print quality PDFs with embedded fonts,  plus supporting files and fonts.

Rates: $200 per month / $540 per quarter

Requirements: Files (300 w x 250 h pixels) should be submitted as email attachments in GIF or JPG; must be in RGB; and file size must not exceed 50k. Please include URL and announcement explanation along with file.

Please inquire at the contact information

  • Call nominations for the editorship of the JNphi


    Journal of NeuroPhilosophy (JNphi) has opened nominations for the editorship. At this time the Journal is looking for an editor who will handle primarily papers in applied free will, neuroethics, neuroaesthetics, neurotheology, spirituality, brain and religion, artificial intelligence, social robots and human-robot interaction with a special emphasis on neuroscience and philosophy.

    Candidates should be available to start receiving manuscripts in mid 2024. Please note that the Committee encourages participation by members of underrepresented groups in the publication process and would particularly welcome such nominees.

    To nominate a candidate, please prepare a supporting statement of one/two pages and provide a current CV. Submit all materials electronically to

    Deadline for accepting nominations is June 30, after which the Committee will begin its work.

    Read more about Call nominations for the editorship of the JNphi
  • JNphi Online Advertising information

    JNphi Online Advertising information


    • 2000+ members of JNphi
    • teachers and students of philosophy
    • general readers with an interest in philosophy

    Requirements: Ads should be provided as a high-resolution print quality PDFs with embedded fonts,  plus supporting files and fonts.

    Rates: $200 per month / $540 per quarter

    Requirements: Files (300 w x 250 h pixels) should be submitted as email attachments in GIF or JPG; must be in RGB; and file size must not exceed 50k. Please include URL and announcement explanation along with file.

    Please inquire at the contact information

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  • The Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)


    There is a pressing need to improve the ways in which the output of scientific research is evaluated by funding agencies, academic institutions, and other parties. To address this issue, a group of editors and publishers of scholarly journals met during the Annual Meeting of The American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) in San Francisco, CA, on December 16, 2012. The group developed a set of recommendations, referred to as the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment. We invite interested parties across all scientific disciplines to indicate their support by adding their names to this Declaration.

    The outputs from scientific research are many and varied, including: research articles reporting new knowledge, data, reagents, and software; intellectual property; and highly trained young scientists. Funding agencies, institutions that employ scientists, and scientists themselves, all have a desire, and need, to assess the quality and impact of scientific outputs. It is thus imperative that scientific output is measured accurately and evaluated wisely.

    Read more about The Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)
  • Implications of Neuroscience for Ancient Traditional Philosophical Questions


    Neurophilosophy is an interdisciplinary field of study that combines neuroscience and philosophy to better understand the nature of the mind and consciousness. It is based on the idea that advances in our understanding of the brain can shed light on longstanding philosophical questions about the nature of the self, free will, consciousness, and the relationship between the mind and the body. At its core, neurophilosophy is concerned with exploring the relationship between the brain and the mind, and understanding how neural processes give rise to mental phenomena such as consciousness, perception, thought, and emotion. It also seeks to address broader philosophical questions related to the nature of the self, free will, and the relationship between mind and body. 

    Read more about Implications of Neuroscience for Ancient Traditional Philosophical Questions
  • The Posterior Cingulate Cortex Again Forgotten


    Koch et al., (2022) 'Repetitive TMS applied to the precuneus stabilizes cognitive status in Alzheimer's disease,' we think that some findings are misunderstood and there are methodological problems. Neuromodulation approaches have been investigated for a long time in the treatment of Alzheimer's dementia. On the other hand, the precuneus region, which is the subject of the research, cannot be considered as an isolated region due to its close neighborhood. Precuneus, it is considered the main center of the default mode network (DMN) like the dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). To date, many DLPFC stimulation studies have been performed with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) has been published. It is difficult to evaluate the effect claimed as a result of the research specific to the precuneus region. Theoretically, the effect can be expected with the excitation of any part of the default network. However, unlike previous rTMS studies that stimulated the DLPFC, the authors chose to stimulate the precuneus, the main center of DMN. φ

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  • How Physics is Reflected in Society and Social Life


    Physics today is divided into two fields, a separation which concerns size. The first is classical physics – Newtonian mechanics or Newtonian physics. The foundations of Newtonian physics were laid in 1687. This kind of physics examines matter macroscopically, and has been remarkably successful in explaining macroscopic events and has even attained an iconic status of reliability. What gave it that reliability was that if you knew the causes and variables of an event, you could predict the outcome with certainty. By using the predictive rules of classical Newtonian physics, we can exactly predict the dates of future eclipses of the Sun and the Moon, and know the precise positions of galaxies, stars, planets and satellites. The situation in quantum physics, or quantum mechanics, is very different, however. This second branch of physics is relatively new, dating from the beginning of the 20th century, around two centuries after Newton. New research started because classical physics was unable to explain certain events, and in this way quantum mechanics was born. φ

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  • A Look at the Future and an Open Call for Scientific Community


    What we call science is the systematization of information obtained from nature. Nature has had its own laws from the beginning. Some of these laws are easy to express, while others stretch our understanding and even our sense of logic. Our efforts to understand nature and its workings, that is our production of scientific knowledge, will never end. We may never truly understand the workings of nature, or get close to the real truth. Therefore, it is ridiculous to behave as if we knew all of the workings of nature and to say “this is not scientific, it is in conflict with the (known) laws of science”. The clearest example of this is when we see the workings of quantum physics in biological structures. When nature is working, it does not know the laws of our science and doesn’t even take notice of them. Nature even sometimes winks at us with “anomalies”. We learn from nature but we cannot impose on nature the laws we have learned from it.

    Read more about A Look at the Future and an Open Call for Scientific Community
  • JNPhi Awards: Graduate and Postgraduate Prizes


    JNphi and AnKa Publisher are pleased to announce a new JNphi Postgraduate and GraduateEssay Prize. The deadline for submission is 31 December 2023. The editorial and publishing staff scoured data for all manuscripts published in 2022-2023 to determine the number of times each article was read on (combined Full-Text and PDF, ePUB usage) for the 12 months following article publication. 


    Read more about JNPhi Awards: Graduate and Postgraduate Prizes
  • Discover how others interact with your articles: PlumX Metrics


    Article metrics (also known as altmetrics), immediately measure awareness and interest and give us new ways to uncover and tell the stories of article. PlumX Metrics are comprehensive, article-level metrics that provide insights beyond traditional citation metrics. 


    PlumX Metrics provide insights into the ways people interact with individual pieces of research output (articles, conference proceedings, book chapters, and many more) in the online environment. Collectively known as PlumX Metrics, these metrics are divided into five categories to help make sense of the large amount of data involved and enable analysis by comparison. PlumX gathers and collates appropriate research metrics for all types of scholarly research output. In a competitive research landscape, PlumX offers metrics to support your research impact footprint along with analysis to assist in case studies or reporting requirements.

    Read more about Discover how others interact with your articles: PlumX Metrics
  • We add a DOI number from Zenodo to each of articles


    We will add a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number from Zenodo to each of our articles published. What is a DOI? Similar to a bar code for a physical object, a DOI is a unique alpha numeric string assigned to a digital object, such as an electronic journal, article, report, or thesis. Each DOI is unique and serves as a stable, persistent link to the full-text of an electronic item on the Internet.


    Zenodo is derived from Zenodotus, the first librarian of the Ancient Library of Alexandria and father of the first recorded use of metadata, a landmark in library history. 

    Why use Zenodo?

    Safe — your research is stored safely for the future in CERN’s Data Centre for as long as CERN exists.
    Trusted — built and operated by CERN and OpenAIRE to ensure that everyone can join in Open Science.
    Citeable — every upload is assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), to make them citable and trackable.
    No waiting time — Uploads are made available online as soon as you hit publish.
    Versioning — Easily update your dataset with our versioning feature.
    GitHub integration — Easily preserve your GitHub repository in Zenodo.
    Usage statistics — All uploads display standards compliant usage statistics.

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  • Archival Resource Keys (ARKs) regulations



    We are now complying with Archival Resource Keys (ARKs) regulations and will add ARK number to each of our articles. What is a ARK?  ARKs are similar to DOIs, URNs, and Handles. In contrast, ARKs are cheaper, more flexible, and less centralized. Similar to a bar code for a physical object, a ARK is a unique alphanumeric string assigned to a digital object, such as an electronic journal, article, report, or thesis. Each ARK is unique and serves as a stable, persistent link to the full-text of an electronic item on the Internet. Unlike a URL, a ARK doesn't change over time; even if the item moves to a new location, the ARK stays the same. After joining ARK, we have given a Archival Resource Keys (ARKs) for journal as prefix: 25311.

    Read more about Archival Resource Keys (ARKs) regulations
  • JNphi Online Advertising information



    • 2000+ members of JNphi
    • teachers and students of philosophy
    • general readers with an interest in philosophy

    Requirements: Ads should be provided as a high-resolution print quality PDFs with embedded fonts,  plus supporting files and fonts.

    Rates: $200 per month / $540 per quarter

    Requirements: Files (300 w x 250 h pixels) should be submitted as email attachments in GIF or JPG; must be in RGB; and file size must not exceed 50k. Please include URL and announcement explanation along with file.

    Please inquire at the contact information

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  • Why publish with Journal of NeuroPhilosophy, JNphi?


    Interested in submitting to this journal? We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies, as well as the Author Guidelines. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process.


    The short name of the journal is JNphi. Phi, φ is short for philosophy, φ is the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet. φ

    Read more about Why publish with Journal of NeuroPhilosophy, JNphi?
  • Journal of NeuroPhilosophy (JNphi) started to publication...


    Journal of NeuroPhilosophy (ISSN 1307-6531, registered July 4, 2007) is a dedicated to supporting the interdisciplinary exploration of the philosophy and its relation to the nervous system. It is planned to be published quartely in March, June, September and December. The Journal of NeuroPhilosophy (JNphi) publishes review articles, opinion and perspectives, and original articles, book review, commentaries on articles including but not limited to the following fields:


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