For Editors
The editor(s) is responsible for determining which submissions to the journal will be published. This decision is based on the manuscript’s merits and informed by the review reports. The author’s gender, ethnicity, political or religious beliefs, sexual orientation or other personal information are not considered. The editor treats submissions confidentially, and only share manuscripts with potential reviewers and members of the editorial board. The editors ensure a double-blind peer review process. In the case of submissions where the editors have a conflict of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative or personal connections with the author(s) they will ask another member of the editorial board to handle the manuscript.
What are the different roles in editor, section editor etc.?
Editor |
Oversees the entire review, editing and publishing process. The Editor, working with the Journal Manager, typically establishes the policies and procedures for the journal. In the editorial process, the Editor assigns submissions to the Section Editors to see through Submission Review and Submission Editing. The Editor keeps an eye on the submission's progress and assists with any difficulties. The Editor also creates the journal issues, schedules submissions for publication, arranges the Table of Contents, and publishes the issue as part of the Publishing Process. |
Section Editor |
Have access to the entire Editorial Workflow, but cannot make any changes to journal settings. Available predefined Section Editor roles: Section Editor, Guest Editor |
Journal Manager |
Have access to the entire Editorial Workflow, as well as all other journal settings. Available predefined Journal Manager roles: Journal Manager, Journal Editor, Production Manager |
Copyeditor |
Edits submissions to improve grammar and clarity, ensures adherence to the journal's bibliographic and textual style; produces a clean copy for the Layout Editor to turn into the galleys that will be in the published format of the journal. Can only access Copyeditor stage of process. |
Layout Editor |
Transforms the copyedited versions of the submission into galleys in HTML, PDF etc. Can only access Production stage of process. |
Proofreader |
Carefully reads over the galleys in the various formats in which the journal publishes (as does the author). The Proofreader (and the Author) record any typographic and formatting errors for the Layout Editor to fix. |
Reviewer |
Selected by the Section Editor to review a submission. Reviewers are asked to submit reviews to the journal's web site and are able to upload attachments for the use of the Editor and Author. Appear when assigning reviews in the Editorial Workflow and have access to that stage when they’re assigned. |
*Note: A user may have more than one role. For example, the editor might also be the journal manager. |
Join as Editorial Members or Reviewers
Journal of Neurophilosophy (JNphi) is an open access, peer reviewed journal published by AnKa Publisher. JNPhi invites applications from eligible scholars and researchers to join the Editorial Board or the Reviewer.
If you are interested in becoming an editorial member or a reviewer for this journal, you could join via the following channel.
Join via the Online System, Here are the procedures:
Step 1: If you didn't register before, please create an account
Step 2: Login with your username and password
Step 3: Select as "Reviewer" edit your major keywords
Step 4: and send to your CV to
Benefits |
Editorial Members |
Reviewers |
Enhance academic influence and enrich your resume |
Receive a Certificate for acknowledging your contributions to the journal |
Get your name listed in the journal website |
Get access to the latest research in advance and new contacts in your research field |
Get to know other scholars in your field and broaden academic connectivity |
Serve a two-year term and may be re-appointed for another term |
Responsibilities |
Editorial Members |
Reviewers |
Review submitted manuscripts and provide complete and detailed comments on submitted papers |
Advise on journal policy and scope |
Identify topics for special issues, which your may guest edit |
Promote the journal to your colleagues and peers |
Attract new authors and submissions |
Assist the editor(s) in decision making over issues such as plagiarism claims and submissions |