Special Issue Article Invitation: Neurophilosophers on Werner Herzog’s Neuroscience Documentary “Theater of Thought”, Submission deadline: April 30, 2025
Neurophilosophy, the interdisciplinary field dedicated to study the deepest problems of human existence through the lens of neuroscience, genuinely welcomes high-quality works of art addressing philosophy, neuroscience or both.
Since Werner Herzog, one of our time’s greatest filmmakers, came out with a documentary titled “Theater of Thought” on the most exciting advances on neuroscience and neurotechnology, neurophilosophers greeted this intellectual event with special interest. As a result, their primary published forum, the Journal of NeuroPhilosophy, collected the invited opinions of not less than 60 philosophers, neuroscientists, artists and interested laymen on this Herzog documentary premiered in 2022 and released worldwide in 2024.
This collection of opinions was arranged by Guest Editors Dr. Patricia Churchland, Dr. Sultan Tarlaci and Dr. Nandor Ludvig to form the present Special Issue of the journal. The Guest Editors – whose key professional data and selected relevant publications are available below - were convinced that such outlook by neurophilosophers to the works of inspired artists is very important, especially if those works of art shed new lights on the very essence of philosophy and science.
Werner Herzog’s indicated documentary, “Theater of Thought”, is one of such remarkable creative products deserving attention and examination by both the editors and the readers of this journal.
Keywords: Werner Herzog, Brain-Computer Interface, consciousness, optogenetics, quantum computing, neuroethics
Please contact Guest Editor: Nandor Ludvig, nandorludvig@gmail.com
Submission deadline: April 30, 2025
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