The Role of Consciousness and Emotion in Decision-making: A NeuroPhilosophical Perspective
Humans engage in a complex array of metacognitive activities in their daily lives. These mainly involve being aware consciously or unconsciously while deciding on a particular action, which is fundamental to human existence. Humans acquire a unique skill of observing societal nuances, expressing their opinions, feeling a range of emotions, and choosing the actions that reflect their identity. The paper aims to comprehend the fundamental aspects of consciousness and human emotional decision-making, which are influenced by socio-economic factors. This will be presented in three ways: first, it will explain the intricacies involved in decision-making science and behavioural outcomes. Second, the theoretical models and themes will explain the socio-economic factors influencing the emotional components of humans. Thus, this compromises an individual's decision-making skills. Third, an experimental representation of consciousness and decision-making models by scientists- Antonio Damasio and Stanislas Dehaene. This will hold the essentiality of modern outlook, tools, and methods adopted in Psychology and Neuroscience to perceive consciousness and decision science differently. Lastly, the paper highlights a comprehensive theoretical and empirical investigation of factors compounding the consciousness, socio-economic and emotional decision-making of humans.
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