The Perceptual Mechanics of Consciousness that Evolves Life Towards an Ever-refining Image of God




This is the third and final paper in presenting the Fractal of Self model of consciousness, which focuses on the natural consequence of Infinite Self (IS) / God developing an ever-increasingly complex material perception (creation) that His Self-consciousness becomes embodied, as life itself. IS thus creates worldly conditions that allows oneself to act through a multitude of diverse biological bodies that each create a unique objective perception of the created world. Each creature, along with their embodied experience, is providentially guided by IS’s foreknowledge of all possible expressions of information that already exist immaterially in His eternal mind beyond creation. The Fractal of Self model proposes that the complex functionality and order of informational sequences within RNA and DNA, that act as fully formed instructions for the construction life, is the micro-physical medium in which IS collapses His embodied designs into the physical world. Because creation reflects IS’s identity, life, upon inception, is naturally imbued with self-value. This internal self-valuing system expresses itself in the form of the Values of Life; the need to keep experience alive for self and others of the same specie group via fulfilling goals related to survival and reproduction. This internal value system, that upholds and interconnects life as a whole united structure, is inwardly felt by individuals through positive and negative sensations that, in turn, control one’s attention towards highly relevant informational patterns that either threaten or promote the fulfillment of the Values of Life. Important life experiences are recorded as memories of significance and are remembered with the inner-sensations present at the time, which allows one’s internal value system to discern and rank-order experiences, storing highly valued emotionally charged memories at the top of one’s memory / mind hierarchy for easy future recall. Essentially, these perceptual mechanics are controlled by the need to experience homeostasis and is also responsible for the continual evolution of competence and intelligence within the kingdom of life


consciousness, God, embodiment, life, memory, values, attention, information, fractal, perception


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Author Biography

Sam Breslauer, 544 Bridge Rd, Salisbury East, Adelaide

Sam Breslauer is an independent researcher who has a specific interest in the study of consciousness. He is particularly interested in exploring how to unify religious, pholisophical and scientific approaches to consciousness. His theoretical papers on how unify these seemingly separate fields of 'consciousness studies' have been published in the Journal of Consciousness Exploration and Research. Sam is also a primary school teacher and meditation teacher and has a bachelor degree in education.


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How to Cite

Breslauer, S. (2024). The Perceptual Mechanics of Consciousness that Evolves Life Towards an Ever-refining Image of God. Journal of NeuroPhilosophy, 3(2).



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